The children have previously agreed that our company has been running for 5 years . They thought it might be a good idea to put up a time line in our HQ reception area to tell visitors about the history of our company. They became very interested in the idea that company members might have joined at different times so I asked a show of hands of those who were there when the Sea Company was established in 2001. They began to talk about how they were all nervous at first, but soon began to work well together. then they started recalling when other members had joined - right up to the 'new boy' who only started last week! Someone remembered a diver who was very quiet and shy when he first started but who was now a popular and confident member of the diving team. I asked them all to draw a picture of themselves and to stick it onto a large time line in the year they joined the company. Then they began to talk about other significant events in our history - past salvages; the first meeting with Mr Green (boss); a visit from the Prime Minister and a visit from the Queen. Other events, such as the buglary were also placed onto the time line. Another example of 'gifts' from the children - a whole load of rich ideas which we will explore over the next few weeks.
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