The company were busy at work when Mr Green arrived (a male classroom assistant in role). I think the children were pleased to see a different adult in role – they’re getting bored with me every time (must use other adults more!). I had organised a clip board for him with a series of questions. The children were so keen to show him all they had done – he wanted to see the improvements to the reception area; our company display ;our promises; our signs and notices; electrical improvements and our divers licences. The children showed immense pride in showing him all these things and I think they began to realise that all our hard work was worth the effort – it also made me realise the amount of work we’d done over the last few weeks – I felt rather proud too! The visit proved to be a natural conclusion to the half term and was a great way to finish the first block of this Mantle. I’m really pleased with how it’s gone so far – the children have enjoyed it from the start – I had worked hard on the first steps in and they seemed to work well in drawing them in. As the weeks have progressed they have become more immersed and engaged and several parents have commented on how they’re talking about the Salvage company at home. They love the shipwreck fish tank and keep bringing in pebbles and shells to put in it and have also been bringing in salvaged objects – costume jewellery, bits of pottery etc. I can’t wait to see what happens next half term! Is it time for our next big commission?
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